The new city reports Xun(reporter, Wei, Ming speech) this year, health Nike Free Run department requests to make experiments from the new agriculture matches a fund everywhere, according to person all 15 dollars or so standard, for three match the insurance that the farmer purchases a big disease.The original policy anticipates Hui and our country over 800,000,0003 match farmer.Yesterday, the national grass-roots hygiene and new agriculture matched a working conference in 2013 up, health department minister Chen Zhu deployed, this year, the new agriculture matches the medical treatment that the system wants a perfect heavy disease to guarantee a mechanism and takes province as unit, push away child’s leukemia, lung cancer, stomach cancer completely, eventually in last phase kidney far-gone medical guarantee work of 20 types of heavy diseases, and child the benzene acetone wet disease, urethra the bottom Nike Free Run 2 split to etc. disease to grow and bring into a big disease to cure to protect the scope of making experiments.The farmer physically submits an expense accounts to reach to 60% health department request, this year, want everywhere excellent turn a new agriculture to match orchestration repair of project, go to hospital inside the policy scope the expenses submit an expense account a proportion to attain 75%, strictly control submit an expense account the drugs out of the catalogue, check and consume a material use, want this year make great effort county class hospitalized catalogue outside expenses control at 15% in.The physically hospitalized repair proportion works hard for in 2012 55% foundations up again raise 5 percentage points, the whole country attains 60% on the average or so, county, country two classes physically go to hospital to compensate a proportion to attain 60% and 75% respectively, tallest pay quota, be no lower than 80,000 dollars.Lowest 20,000 yesterdays of the country doctor’s annual income, Chen Zhu says, support country doctor basic rights, the annual income of each country doctor doesn’t must be lower than 20,000 dollars, is a health department this year to everywhere the rigidity request of health administrative dept..Our country has 1,000,000 or so country doctors nowadays.Cure to change for 3 years, the country doctor wants to undertake more public hygiene service and grass-roots medical treatment work, the basic medicine of the use“zero price markups“s, but because don’t keep doctor Ye’s qualifications, don’t draw up, the income didn’t increase anti- decline.“This didn’t in the past say“, Chen Zhu said, this year, the nation will make a firm decision to stabilize the country doctor’s troops.
The „my newspaper“ net in the United States reports on February 21, original:Chinese government troops is requested create with the leftover rice fried rice with egg in the middle of opposing embellish for show wasted combat, Chinese soldier is using a kind of new weapon armed they:Leftover rice.Report according to Chinese medium, the Liberation Arm always logistic department has already ordered whole army government troops“strengthen thrifty food behavior of civilization to become.“Report to call troops government troops to be requested that the one making use of leftover rice afresh being reasonably can create a deep-fried plain wheat roll slice, fried rice with egg, greatly cook vegetables,…Etc.; Well Nike Free 3.0 make use of food material side the Cape anticipates pickling small vegetables, and bubble system sour pickled cabbage…Etc..Eradicating completely the new rules of the management of troops meals waste is stroke in China vain and extravagant of the breeze is mostly a part that the embellish for showing government waste acts.Officials‘ showing to put behavior is seen as the corrupt evidence. Peking thinks this kind of behavior yet to medium totally constitutes a serious threat.common people go bad behavior to the government of the critique are intense day by day.Customer in the social intercourse website of China just and cautiously observes the officials‘ public photograph and look for the evidence;; that it without restraint spends lavishlyThe officials and difficulties usually being valuable watch or other extravagant decoration to seek joys by highlighting to have a good time live of the hanging of of common people extremely contrast.Consequently win to totally leader set oneself up as an example landlord has already moved into thrifty ages.They take extravagant party as the main stroke target, have already descended to deliver a related restriction order last year, and informed to severely punish the will of breaching the restriction order in February, this year.Chinese troops have to pay attention to an internal waste phenomenon at present.Press new rules, the troops internal guest house all cancels lowest consumption standard wait related charge, the official business receives from Chien and strictly forbids to arrange upscale vegetables.The meals that are related to reporting calling troops the fierce line of economic potential is big, but didn’t provide a concrete number.China military expenses expenditure in 2011 is USD 93,000,000,000, among them, the broad part is used Nike Free Dame for the meals of 2,300,000 troops government troopses.wgaojun0223